Variable / Characteristic |
Pre-Habiline | Oldawan | Paleolithic | Neolithic |
Agrarian / Natuurlijke systeem |
Industrial / Sociale regelsysteem |
Post-Industrial / Communicatieve zelfsturingssysteem |
Beginning Date | 6 million B.P. | 2.5 million B.P. | 1.5 million B.P. | 50.000 B.P. | 10.000 B.P. | 200 B.P. | 20 B.P. |
Duration (in years) | 3.5 million | 1 million | 1.5 million | 40.000 | 10.000 | 180 | 20+ |
Generations | 175.000 | 50.000 | 75.000 | 2.000 | 500 | 9 | 1+ |
Inhabitants | A. africanus | H. habilus | H. erectus | H. sapiens | H. sapiens | H. sapiens | H. sapiens |
Cranial capacity | 450 cc | 550 cc | 1.100 - 1.400 cc | 1.450 cc | 1.450 cc | 1.450 cc | 1.450 cc |
Sustenance | Foraging | Hunter-gatherer | Hunter-gatherer | Hunter-gatherer |
Farming idem |
Manufacture idem |
(Production) of knowledge idem |
Tools | Perishable | Crude stone | Refined stone | Flint and bronze |
Bronze and iron |
Steel alloys | Silicon and plastic |
Kind of culture | Episodic | Crude stone | Mimetic | Mythic |
Mythic Mythe |
Theoretic Rationaliteit Lineariteit |
Theoretic Rationaliteit Recursiviteit |
Settlement type | Mobile camp | Butchering site | Base camp | Camp / village | City | Metropolis | Megapolis |
Community size | 65 | 75 | 145 | 155 | 1 million | 20 million | 30 million |
Human population |
minder dan 50.000 |
minder dan 100.000 |
minder dan 1.000.000 |
6 million |
1.000 million / 1 billion |
6 billion | 9 billion |
Emotie | - | - | - | - |
- Angst - Geborgenheid |
- Boosheid - Rechtvaardigheid |
- Verdriet - Zelfherkenning |
¹ Tabel 1, Eras in the Evolution of Human Society from A Brief History of Human Society: The Origin and Role of Emotion in Social Life,
Douglas S. Massey. American Sociological Review, 2002, vol. 67 (Februari: 1-29), blz. 5,
aangevuld met de gekleurde tekst die gebaseerd is
op Logica van het gevoel, Filosofie van de Stabiliteitslagen in de Cultuur als Nesteling der Emoties,
Arnold Cornelis.